During the first years of writing these essays people volunteered to translate them into English. These were either no professional translators or no native speakers so the translation may need editing at times. Still I am thankful to all those who helped so that we can present some of the essays in English.
A word about the essays in general
They are spiritual inspiration based on Advaita Vedanta. Yet they do not and cannot follow the teaching methodology. So they can support your study of Advaita Vedanta, but in order to study Vedanta, you will need a living teacher who personally guides you along the teaching methodology.
The essays are timeless. They can be read again and again and each time you can discover another gem. It is best to read the essays in the order they have been written.
Some of the German essays have been revised, however, the translation may be of the older version and not revised.
These essays are addressed to westerners. Indians, not familiar with western thinking may have difficulty recognizing traditional Advaita Vedanta behind the texts. But rest assured that the tradition is minutely followed in the actual teaching given in the classes.
Another note
So far, I do not offer any teaching in English. That’s why there is no intent to translate this website as a whole.
But if you are curious about the untranslated contents of this site, try https://translate.google.com.
It does not produce perfect translations but has much improved in the last years, and I would recommend it.
Overview of English essays:
Nr. | Essays 2014 | Essaytitel |
7 | Juli | Gunas |
6 | Juni | Priorities |
4 | April | Ego - I - Self |
3 | März | Clearing out |
2 | Februar | Enlightenment - What it is not |
1 | Januar | Enlightenment - What it is |
Nr. | Essays 2013 | Essaytitel |
12 | Dezember | Gratitude, Happiness and Bliss |
11 | November | Completeness – Abundance – Fullness |
10 | Oktober | The Heart |
9 | September | Being One with All |
8 | August | Frustration Competence |
7 | Juli | Discipline |
6 | Juni | Equanimity |
5 | Mai | Courage |
4 | April | Freedom - Love - Happiness |
3 | März | Experiencing Non-Duality |
2 | Februar | The Play of Life |
1 | Januar | Self-Investigation – Questioning the Separate Self |
Nr. | Essays 2012 | Essaytitel |
12 | Dezember | Stages on the spiritual journey - Advaita directions |
11 | November | The Spiritual Teacher |
10 | Oktober | The Spiritual Search |
9 | September | Is the world Illusory? |
8 | August | God? |
7 | Juli | Stillness |
6 | Juni | Step by Step |
5 | Mai | Logically and Psychologically |
4 | April | What is the right thing to do? |
3 | März | Aging |
2 | Februar | Dis-identification |
1 | Januar | Discrimination |
Nr. | Essays 2011 | Essaytitel |
12 | Dezember | Reflections on the body |
11 | November | Karma |
10 | Oktober | Love |
9 | September | Seeking Truth and the issue of time |
8 | August | Emotions |
7 | Juli | What can I do? |
6 | Juni | Meditation |
5 | Mai | From devotion to surrender |
4 | April | Happiness and Bliss |
3 | März | Consciousness, Awarenss |
2 | Februar | Spirituality |
1 | Januar | The Longing for Truth |
Nr. | Essays 2010 | Essaytitel |
12 | Dezember | What is Vedanta and what is Advaita Vedanta? |
11 | November | Why should I ask myself, who or what I am? |